


The Apple II reference manual contains a complete assembly language list of monitor ROM at the end of the book. This manual explains Apple's two monitor ROMs (original monitor ROM, auto start ROM) built in memory map, I / O, interrupt processing, etc. so that various advanced Apple II functions can be used to be invoked from Integer Basic or Applesoft Basic using PEEK or POKE.

Several samples are also introduced for reference to programmers.
As you can see in the cover illustration, it is a manual made with the intention of peeling the skin of the monitor ROM and using the functions inside.

Published in 1981, page 79, A5 version. #D2L0013(950-0018) # D2L0013 (950-0018)



The IEEE-488 interface is an organization called IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in the United States and conforms to the standard defined as "IEEE Standard 488-1978" as a standard bus for connecting digital equipment such as measuring instruments card designed. The IEEE interface is generally called GBIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) interface and is based on the specification of Hewlett-Packard company HP-IB interface. Approximately 600 devices had already been able to connect to the Apple II at that time.

The publication of this manual. This manual describes The card installation method, device connection method, interface specifications, and sample program, etc. are explained.

Published in 1981, page 79, A5 version. #A2L0037(030-0197-A) # A2L0037 (030-0197-A)


The Super Serial Card is an interface card conforming to EIA RS-232-C, which is a combination of a conventional Communications Interface Card and Serial Interface Card. Depending on the setting of the DIP switches, it can be used in two ways, Printer Mode and Communications Mode. The transfer rate can be set from 50 Baud to 19200 Baud, and it is designed to be used from Pascal Operating System or DOS from Apple II. Also, depending on the emulation mode, compatibility with old Serial Card is considered.
The manual is divided into printer mode and communications mode, and is described very carefully by using many photos and illustrations. At the end of the book a lot of technical information including Firmware source code is released.

Published in 1981, 129 pages, A5 version. #A2L0044(030-0270-A) # A2L0044 (030-0270-A)



Apple's initial parallel printer interface card was designed by Woz to connect a printer to Apple II was released in 1978.
In 1978, parallel printers were beginning to be standardized by the Centronics company standard, Centronics compliant Firmware cards loaded in ROM were released almost at the same time.
The Parallel Interface Card of this manual was released in 1982 based on the design of these two kinds of cards, has two kinds of Firmware, so that it can flexibly correspond to various parallel printers by setting the DIP switch. At that time, printers such as Andex, Centronics, NEC, Epson, Printronix, C.Itoh, Axiom etc. are introduced in the manual that can be used in the standard setting. The Firmware source code at the end of the book has the names of 11/1/77 Woz and Revised 3/17/78 Huston and Sander, it seems that the card was initially designed by Woz and later rewrote its program by Dr.Sander.

Published in 1982, 44 pages, A5 version. #A2L0045(030-0371-A)( # A2L0045 (030-0371-A) (See Card-1 )


Apple software for educational software series.

PRN Calculator
Rod's Color Pattern
Scrolling Window Tutor
The Assembler-It-Yourself Multi-Tone Kit

It is explained so that it can learn self-study about the mechanism of memory, the mechanism of Basic, the mechanism of programming by assembly language, and so on.

Published in 1981, page 68, A5 version. #A2L0050(030-0140-A) # A2L0050 (030-0140-A)



Manual of Daisy Wheel Printer. Daisy Wheel Printer Demo Diskette is included. In order to accommodate Apple III announced in 1980, in addition to Apple II, the connection method to Apple III is described. A Super Serial Card and a DB25 - DB25 cable are necessary for connection of Apple II. DB25 - DB25 cable and Modem Eliminator Cable are required to connect to Apple III. The cover page is unique design which is different from the early manual and the middle term. It was unified in design with the series of Apple III.

Published in 1982, page 29, A5 edition. #A2L0066 # A2L0066



LOGO software created for Apple II by Logo Computer Systems, Inc.. LOGO LOGO is a language suitable for early childhood education etc. because it can learn the fundamentals of software with few commands and simple grammar. Apple II Logo In Apple II Logo, you can handle Turtle Graphics which displays the results of a program on a monitor visually. The manual comes with two manuals, Reference Manual and Introduction to Programming through Turtle Graphics, both of which are of a politely structured style similar to Apple's original manual at the time.
