


This is the reference book of the description of two Apple II graphics modes those are LORES and HIRES graphics methods, BASIC commands and their contents, how to make shape table and how to use it, how to animate, etc. At the end of the book, the author writes his thought "What is a good game" taking Pacman and Space Invaders as an example. More than anything, I am attracted to this cover page. I am brooding over the history of the game and the progress of technology from 1982 to now. On the other hand, I think that from the viewpoint of learning the fundamentals of programming, it may have been at that time was far better.

Published in 1982, written by Jeffrey Stanton, THE BOOK CO., 288 pages, B5 version.



One book which I selected on the cover page from a number of basic program textbooks. Gorilla's Apple II is a basic introduction that can be done even by gorillas. It consists of two page spread pages, and on the left page a description of the program and a sample of the calculation result. The screen dump on the upper side of the right page and the program list in the lower row make it possible for the reader to study by themselves. At the end of the book is a list of generic subroutines used in this book.

Published in 1983, by Stanley R. Trost, SYBEX, 176 pages, Paperback.



Apple IIe programming book for those who have some knowledge of the program. At the beginning Apple's mini history is written from 1976 to 1984. 6502 It is explained 6502 Processor mechanism, system monitor commentary, Applesoft BASIC, DOS, and memory management, etc. Due to the relatively new publication, there is a comment such a difference between Enhanced Apple IIe and Original Apple IIe announced in March 1985. That is, the features of the 65C 02 processor replacing the 6502 processor, the MouseText Character set and the Mini Assembler added to the system monitors are introduced.. 1985 Published in 1985, by Gary B. Little, Brady Communications Company, 409 pages, B5 Modified version.
