
Apple Printed Materials


Apple IIc general catalog in English. Including unusual peripherals such as Flat Panel Display, Scribe Printer, Apple Modem, etc. are introduced. Issued in January 1985. The manuals that are introduced are not the initial series of red, but the one of the white cover, along with hobby use, the use in business is emphasized. Inferring from catalogs and manuals, it seems that there was a big change in philosophy from 1984 to 1985. Since Jobs resigned in September 1985, I would like to try speculation that Jobs and Scullery’s power relationship influences the design policy.

US letter size, 10 pages, published in January 1985.


It is made almost at the same time as the IIc Personal Computer catalog, and the whole atmosphere is very similar. In 1984 it would be such a year for Apple. Present at the annual shareholders meeting on January 24, Macintosh, Lisa 2 simultaneously announced. April Announcement of Apple IIc at "Apple II Forever Conference" at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Apple III development is canceled. September FatMac (512 K Mac) released. November Apple II sales exceeded 2 million units. Next, at January 1985 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, LaserWriter, and AppleTalk Personal Network was announced. On the platform Sculley followed by Jobs, they parted into two Macintosh, right and left, in the middle LaserWriter, a crowd with a demonstration of laser beam as AppleTalk. This is a brochure of the era of such Dynamic Duo. It is also a feature of this catalog that the IBM PC appeared dignifiedly in the network with Mac XL and titled "We'll even share office with IBM". It was bought in the secondhand bookstore in Jimbocho Tokyo around 10 years ago.

US letter size, page 18, published in February 1985.


Catalog created in accordance with Macintosh Plus release in January, 1986. The year in 85 was like this. January Macintosh Office announcement, February Woz retirement, March Apple IIe, Enhanced Model release, April Board of directors deprived Jobs' administrative role, left September Jobs.
Macintosh Plus born in such a fray was 1MB memory, expandable to 4MB, 800K disk drive, SCSI interface machine, but the basic performance of the CPU and display remained unchanged, technically there was not a big innovation. In this catalog, the explanation is centered on the business such as network and DTP, but compared with the original Macintosh two years ago, I feel lack vividness of the cover page and contents of the catalog, the machine, the package and the design of outer box. It seems that it was in line with the intention of Sculley’s management system after Jobs that "lower cost and performance than hobby".

US letter size, published in January 1986, page 18, M 1127 CSR 3498.


The history of Apple IIe is outlined as follows.
January, 1983 IIe birth US $ 1,395
March 1985 Introduced IIe Enhanced Model
January 1987 IIe Platinum Model Introduction US $ 829
Fall 1992 Deleted from the product list.

Product life expectancy of beige model about 4 years, platinum model about 5 years will receive an unexpected impression, but since the needs in the education market lasted long, after demand of hobby and business shifting to Macintosh, even the platinum model would be long in the product catalog. Meanwhile, in April 1990 Apple promised to offer products to run Apple II software on the Macintosh against the education market, and in March 1991, the Apple IIe Card on Macintosh LC released. This catalog was published in 1986, as you can see on the cover page, it seems to be the last catalog of the era of IIe Enhanced beige Model. The color use, SCSI hard disk, 3.5 inch drive, etc. were introduced, and there is a description that there are 2,780,833 Apple II users at this time.

US letter size, 12 pages, published in 1986, A2F2201.


Apple IIc, released in April 1984, will finish its role by releasing Apple IIc Plus in September 1988. In this catalog in 1987, Apple IIc combined with a color monitor on the cover is introduced, and the use of Apple II for family use and educational use is introduced. On the two-page spread, the relationship between people around the world and Apple II is introduced in snapshots in the same layout as the IIe catalog mentioned above. During this period Apple has dispatched cameramens around the world for Apple's 10th anniversary magazine "SoFar" and seems to have taken pictures with people and computer concepts.
Peripherals are described relatively carefully, but the color of the case of the color monitor of the composite input used for the platinum one, which is a mismatch with the snow white of IIc body. Although monochrome monitor had prepared a monitor with a wonderful design of 9 inch, the color monitor was not convinced that the snow white color monitor was not prepared except for the short period.

US letter size, 11 pages, published in January 87, A2F4009.
