


構造化プログラミング言語PASCALAppleIIAPPLE PASCALのマニュアル。TThe manual of Apple II version of structured programming language PASCAL. The PASCAL language was developed by Professor Niklaus Wirth of Zurich in 1970. UCSD PASCAL has been improved to make it available for educational purposes at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) for personal computers. Apple Pascal has been transferred it to Apple II, and has graphics and function enhancements. Therefore, both software and this manual are jointly produced with UCSD. The names of Bill Atkinson and Jef Raskin are described in the column of development and writing members of Apple Inc., and the PASCAL Language functions for runnning Apple II hardware is explained. This manual was attached to the Apple II language system kit.

Published in 1979, 312 pages, A5 version. #A2L0019 (030-0058-01) # A2L0019 (030-0058-01)


Pascal Language System used with Apple II,
(1) Add 16K RAM to 48K RAM Language Card

 (2) Autostart ROM
(3) Two PROMs (P5A, P6A)
This is the manual for installing these to handle Pascal Operating System and DOS. It has been carefully described with many pictures.

Disk II announced in June 1978 was designed with 13 sectors, 35 tracks and 256 bytes and had a capacity of 116 KBytes, but it was improved to 16 sectors in accordance with the release of PASCAL Language System in 1979, it becomes the capacity of 143K. (Refer to DISK II FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM )
This change seems to be a contrived idea for running PASCAL Language System with Apple II (64K) and one Disk Drive. In order to be able to use this 16 sector disc, it is necessary to replace the two PROMs (P5, P6) on the Disk Controller Card with the new PROM (P5A, P6A). (Refer to DISK II INTERFACE CARD )

DOS handling BASIC also changed to DOS 3.2 corresponding to auto start ROM in February 1979 through DOS 3.1 and DOS 3.2.1 which rewrote the RWTS (Read or Write, Track and Sector) subroutine in July, although it developed, it considered the compatibility of existing user's program, it remained the specification of 13 sectors. After that, it became the specification corresponding to 16 sectors from DOS 3.3 in August 1980.

Therefore, at the beginning of the release of Apple IIPlus in June 1979, although Autostart Rom was adopted and able to boot the disk automatically, Apple II users using Language System of 16 sectors using Pascal Operation System and Basic with DOS together, when using Basic with DOS, they had to load 13 system sector DOS (3.2 or 3.2.1) after dedicated system disk "BASICS" was loaded. (Refer to AUTOSTART ROM )

As mentioned above, this problem was eliminated from the fact that DOS became 16 sectors specification in DOS 3.3 in August 1980, and for 13 sector users it is attached the "BASICS" disk and the DOS 3.3 system disk included the utility program "Boot 13". In addition to this, the DOS 3.3 system disk also comes with a utility program called "MUFFIN" that rewrites the program of 13 sectors to 16 sectors. (See THE DOS MANUAL )
On the photo, manual of 1979, below is a manual published in 1980. Although there is no big difference between the contents of the description before and after the revision, the manual after revision is that the whole composition gets an impression close to Apple's manual standard, the notes on using the Pascal Operating System are deleted etc.

Photo upper: 1979, 38 pages, A5 version. # A2L0024 (030-0059-00)
Photo bottom: 1980 issue, 30 pages, A5 version. # A2L0024 (030-0059-01)


On the cover of the same design, there is also a manual called Apple Language Card Installation and Operation Manual. It is assumed to be used in DOS 3.3, the description of how to install the PROM has been deleted, and the description concerning the handling of the 13-sector specification disk is simplified.

Published in 1981, page 28, A5 version. #A2L0043 (030-0217-B) # A2L0043 (030-0217-B)



Apple Pascal Reference Manual re-edited in accordance with Apple's manual guidelines. The target user is set at the level at which Standard UCSD Pascal is being learned, focusing on the programming difference with Standard and the functions that can be used in Apple Pascal. The functions related to the Disk Operating System have been transferred to the Operating System Reference Manual. In addition to this manual, Apple Pascal 1.2 attaches to "Apple Pascal a hands-on approach (McGraw-Hill)", which supplements the contents of Standard UCSD Pascal.

Published in 1980, 209 pages, A5 version. A2L0027 (#030-0101-00) A2L0027 (# 030-0101-00)



A manual that re-edits Apple Pascal Reference Manual in accordance with Apple's manual guidelines and explained functions related to the Disk Operating System. It is to be used in combination with the above-mentioned Apple Pascal Language Reference Manual. Handling of File, Editor, Compiler, 6502 Assembler, File Format etc. are explained.

Published in 1980, 298 pages, A5 version. A2L0028 (#030-0100-00) A2L0028 (# 030-0100-00)



FORTRAN 77 compliant FORTRAN language issued by ANSI (The American National Standards Institute). Subroutines are prepared in the system library so that I / O devices such as Apple graphics and game controllers can be used. Editor, Filer and Linker use those of Pascal Operating System. Therefore the Apple Pascal language system needs to use it.

Published in 1980, 230 pages, A5 version. A2D0032 (030-0118-00) A2D0032 (030-0118-00)
