

Steve Jobs The Man Who Created a Personal Computer (Japanese Version)

Author Jeffrey S. Young is one of the first editors of "Macworld" magazine. 1983 From the summer of 1983, during the release of the Macintosh (January 1984), as a journalist who was given access to the Macintosh team to introduce Macintosh. 1985 Starting with Jobs' letter of Apple resignation dated September 17, 1985, this book begins with Jobs' birth and shows Jobs' movements until NeXT's founding. In the beginning acknowledgment, it is noted that the Apple's library room staff checked for errors in books, so there is a taste of "Apple purveyor". From the list of references cited at the end of the book, we can see that most of the episodes before 1983 introduced in this book are quotes from "The Little Kingdom".
Episodes leading to the development of Macintosh where he was going in and out the team are quite voluminous and can be enjoyed as a corporate inside story.

左上の写真は米国初版。The photo on the upper left is the first edition of the United States. On the back cover, Woz's book review "The most interesting account yet of Apple's humble origins and operations. ...." has also been introduced, and it well expresses the character of this book.
There are a lot of pictures from the era of Homested High School, rare pictures Woz and Jobs somehow wearing ties were examining original Apple II which lined up on shelves. From the Disk II brochure on the wall, it seems to have been around in 1988, unfortunately due to the copyright of the photograph this picture has been removed in Japanese version. The subtitle "The Journey is The Reward" seems to have recalled the Jobs who keeps on traveling, and it is such a meaning that "the journey itself rewards". The upper right picture is a paperback by Lynx. It's a similar cover layout, but the impression is quite different. The lower photo is the Japanese version subtitled "A man who created a personal computer" seems to have been attached when translating in Japan. In "Accidental Millionaire" that was published at a similar time, “He contributes only to the design of the case during Apple II production" is symmetrical with the criticism.

Upper left: Steve Jobs The Journey is The Reward: published in 1987. Jeffrey S.Young Jeffrey S. Young, Scott, Foresman and Company, 440 pages, B5 edition.
Above: Steve Jobs The Journey is The Reward: December 1988. Jeffrey S.Young Jeffrey S. Young, Lynx Communications, Inc., 467 pages, A5 (Paperback) version.
Left: Steve Jobs (a man who created a personal computer) first /second volume: Published September 1989. Jeffrey S.Young Jeffrey S. Young, translated by Masamichi Higurashi, JICC Publishing Bureau, 346 + 338 pages, A5 version.

West of Eden  Apple computer's ambition and opposition

Author Frank Rose is a journalist living in New York. According to the preface (Author's Note at end of book in the original book), the idea of ​​this book began with Apple's banishment play of Jobs in September 1985. The author lived in Silicon Valley from January 1986 to October 1986 to focus on Jobs and Scully's honeymoon and feud as from January 1983 to January 1986 and he summarized the book interviewed more than 100 stakeholders.
Not only the people surrounding the company and management flow, but also advertising strategies and hardware development are widely mentioned. In terms of hardware development, in addition to the involvement with Japan, the development stories of ordinary Lisa and Macintosh, the movement of Apple IIc development of the same time was taken up, it is interestingly impressed the originality and the depth.
IIc that was released in April 1984 after the release of the Macintosh and its advertisement was responsible to "Chiat Day", planning expenditure of 15 million dollars during several months in the summer of 1984 and devised to a package attached female photos on a bright red box.  The Episode was introduced that the photograph of the mysterious woman belongs to the marketing member who shot as the initial sample, but the photo took again, it wasn’t sexy and didn’t feel cheerful, so the initial photo was modified a row of teeth, the hair style, holding prototype version IIc with both hands using CG.
The photo on the upper left is the first edition of the United States. The cover of the US version and the Japanese version are based on illustrations using the same apple, but they receive a completely different impression due to the difference in background and layout.
The British Paperback version of the photo on the left begins with an explanation of about 40 main characters, "Who was who at Apple Computer 1983-1986" not in the original. In the Japanese version, an extra-print with the same content as "West of Eden - main characters" is attached.
It seems to be thought necessary to explain to the composition of this book that employee names appear one after another without detailed explanation, but it is also valuable as a clue to know the mobility of employees at the time.

Upper left: West of Eden: published in 1989. Frank Rose Frank Rose, Viking Penguin Book Inc., 356 pages, B4 version.
Bottom left: west of Eden (ambition and conflict of Apple computer) first / second volume; published in February 1990. FRANK ROSE FRANK ROSE, Binn Watanabe, Simul Publication, about 650 pages, A5 edition.
Bottom right: West of Eden: Published in 1990. Frank Rose Frank Rose, Arrow Books Limited, 356 pages, A5 (Paperback) version. ( (UK 's first edition was Hutchinsin Business Books Ltd. in 1989).

Rise and fall of the computer empire

My author Robert X. Cringery was a former professor of physics at Stanford University, then a columnist at Computer Weekly magazine "InfoWorld". It is the subject of this book that a big business born from inevitable place, the personal computer industry created by able children of the head of the middle-class home of the United States is taken from a different viewpoint from the development of the conventional industry and how it works.
Therefore, it introduces the events in many Silicon Valley based on abundant interviews, not mere historical documents, as well as hints and perspectives on the success of his thought are drawn. Apple II As the Apple II's breakthrough was brought by the software "VisiCalc" got with overwhelming appeal in the business field, the episodes are introduced that intellectuals of Westinghouse Company in Pittsburgh bought all of the 1,000 Apple IIs incorrectly delivered with small handheld funds and made famous Apple II in the field of small business. The upper left picture is the first edition of the United States. 1991 Published in November 1991. Then in 1993 a paperback edition was published by Harper Collins Company, the author added a short afterword titled "October 1992".
The Japanese version was published in March 1993 as translated by Akihiko Yabu as first and second volume. Thereafter, in December 1994, a new edition with first and second volume was bounded and published. In the Japanese version, the afterword was also included, and in addition, a preface to "for Japanese version" was also added, in which the author wrote an economic miracle compare that happened in Japan after the Second World War (reaction to “the crisis – inevitable”) and the miracle of the personal computer that occurred in California (reaction to "opportunity"), it would be a hint for future growth in Japan to better understand what happened in Silicon Valley. It is a fresh perspective even today even after about 10 years.

Softcover Combined Version
The left is a British version of the paperback version. "Accidental Empires" "Accidental Empires" is a 1996 edition, in addition to the 1992 edition of the first edition of the United States, it was added as Chapter 16, Chapter 17. TV Tie-in Edition As it is with TV Tie-in Edition, it seems to have been revised after tie-up with TV broadcasting. Among them, it is mentioned that the movement of Microsoft, Apple, NeXT and rival companies, the spread of the Internet and its future for the past five years since the first edition was written.

Accidental Empires: published in November 1991. Robert X, Cringely Robert X, Cringery, Addison Wesley, 324 pages, A5version.
The rise and fall of the computer empire (the myth and the inner title of the champion) first and second volume; published in February 1993. Robert X, Cringely Robert X, Cringery, Akihiko Yabu, ASCII, first volume 254 pages, second volume 277 pages, A5 version.
The rise and fall of the computer empire; published in December 1994. Robert X, Cringely Robert X, Cringery, Akihiko Yabu, ASCII 382 pages, A5 edition.
Accidental Empires
Accidental Empires: Published in 1996. Robert X, Cringely Robert X, Cringery, Pen Penguin Books (UK), 358 pages, Paperback Edition.
