
Apple IIc-5


From the beginning of the launch, IIc has been pointed out that it is a disadvantage that it does not have a built-in modem as a portable computer. Apple In response to this, Apple explained that modems were externally attached in terms of development time, cost, space, etc. The picture on the left shows a modem released in the spring of 1984, a one with 300 bps at that time at US$ 225, and one with 1200 bps at US$ 495. Although it can be used for all apple personal computers, it is snow white color whether it is conscious of Apple IIc.


The left photo is Apple Personal Modem (1200 bps) released in 1985. こちらはSnow White Colorだけではなくプラチナカラーのものもある。 This is not only snow white Color but also some of platinum color. 電源一体型で、頭部がパワーコネクターとなっているが、壁のコンセントに差し込んで使う場合、及び電源タップに差し込んで使う場合を想定して、頭部が分離できて表/裏どちら側でもモデム本体と接続できる設計になっている点がユニークである。 It is a power supply integrated type, and the head is a power connector, but assuming the case of plugging into a wall outlet and using it by inserting it into a power strip, the head can be separated and it can be used on either the front / back side. It is unique in that it is designed to be connectable to the modem itself. マニュアル表紙には、AppleII, II Plus, IIe, IIc, III, Lisa, Macintosh, and Macintosh XL Computersとの記載があり、全機種との接続方法が写真入りで丁寧に解説されている。 On the manual cover page, there are descriptions of the compatibility of Apple II, II Plus, IIe, IIc, III, Lisa, Macintosh, and Macintosh XL Computers, and the connection method with all models is carefully described with a picture.


Apple IIc is designed to be powered from 9 to 20 volts, 35 watts, since it is portable oriented. This design makes the built-in power supply lightweight and compact, thereby achieving miniaturization of the main body. Also, the cooling problem of the built-in 5.25 inch drive seems to have been the headache of the designer. Some of my own IIc is slightly deformed a plastic case, although it due to heat radiation problems. For this reason, although an external transformer is attached, it is inferred that this transformer was extremely large and its reputation was not so good. "brick on a leash" It seems that it was called "brick on a leash" or "volt on a rope". incider Incider magazine August 1985 has an article on own work of the IIc Power Connector and explains how to make a connector to connect to the 12V power supply of the car.

The left photo is the rechargeable portable battery system of PRAIRIE POWER SYSTEM of third party company. オートバイのバッテリー位の大きさがあり、「軽く」はないが、長時間のバッテリー駆動を可能としている。 There is the size of the battery like a motorcycle, and it is not "light weighted", but it enables battery driving for a long time. 茶色の極めてキュートなキャンバス製キャリングケースに収まる。 It fits in a brown extremely cute canvas carrying case. また、お揃いのデザインで、IIcと液晶ディスプレイが収納できるバッグもあった。 Also, with matching designs, there were also bags that could hold IIc and liquid crystal display. IIcで(評判の悪かった)電源トランスは、のちの1988年発売のIIc Plusでは、ソニーの助けを借りてドライブが3.5インチに変更されるのと共に、内蔵トランスが小型化され、外部トランスを不要とした。 The power transformer (with poor reputation) in IIc, in later released IIc Plus in 1988, with the help of Sony, the drive was changed to 3.5 inches, and the built-in transformer was downsized without external transformer.
