Tapes & Softwares-7
DOS 3.3 system disk of Diskware
The design is colorful in common with
manual etc.
It consists of System Master Disk and
Sample Programs. |
IMAGEWRITER TOOL KIT Utility program to connect Imagewriter for ProDos 1.0. For 64 K Apple IIPlus, IIe, IIc. (680 - 225 B). |
APPLE PASCAL 1.2 When Apple Pascal becomes Version 1.2, it becomes the design of the Diskware series. (set of 4 disks) |
APPLE TERM II MODEM UTILITY PROGRAM Communication software for ProDos 1.0. (details unknown) |
PRODOS USER'S KIT A set of ProDos User’s Disk containing ProDos User's Manual and utility software for ProDos 1.0. It is in a beautiful outer box of the same design as the manual. |
The early diskette label design of system software of IIc is colorful and very
nice, but I do not own it.
This is IIc's system software since 1985.
Although it is in the case where the apple mark is embossed on the resin, the
design of the label of the disc is as cold as the manual and the outer box.
It consists of five disks: System
Utilities, An Introduction, The Apple at Work, Getting Down to BASIC, and
Exploring Apple Logo. |
It was released in 1988.
Appleshare (up to 3.0) on Mac as a
server, it displays menus on the screen of Apple IIe with the workstation card,
the software that enables software on the server to use and manage software. To
Use it, the following system are necessary;
Macintosh with Appleshre (Server)
256K Enhanced Apple IIe with Mouse or IIGS
Apple II Workstation Software
Apple II Workstation Card |