

APPLE マガジン

This magazine succeeded “Lab Letters” which continued since 1977, was launched in May 1983. Issued by ESD laboratory which was "total import reseller in Japan" at this time. (Published several times a year) This photograph is No. 2 (April, May issue) of 1984. At the beginning of the issue, in response to Lisa's announcement in Japan (October 1983) and Macintosh (January 1984), Mr. Toshio Mizushima posted an article titled "Compare Apple IIe, Lisa, Macintosh". A catalog of Apple related products released by ESD is always included at the end of the book and it is a valuable database for investigating trends of Japanese Apple II related products. The latest issue I own is January/February 1986 issue. The last page ends with an advertisement titled “Computer Lab. Crisis”. Published by ESD Laboratory.  


This is the magazine I / O separate volume. It is subtitled the guidebook for 6502 fans. It is gathered the articles on Apple II and PET shared almost equally. In Apple related articles, it consists of an introduction to machine language, DOS commentary, commentary on Pascal and Forth and hardware production articles. Although issued in October 1980, it is based on DOS 3.1. Meanwhile, there is also an article of Pascal language system based on DOS 3.3 released in August 1980. It seems very much appreciated to be able to read this kind of articles in Japanese, and it seems to have been popular at that time. Although I have never used PET, it seems that Katakana could be handled with BASIC, and there is an article introducing the database program displayed in Katakana and interesting.

The second collection is published in September 1982. It is mainly introduced editor, utility programs, hardware production articles, games, and I feel the enthusiasm of the Japanese hobbyist at that time and the high technical level. Ryutaro Kondo, the author of "Introduction to Apple Operation" posted software of fortune-telling called Sangennkyuuseijyutsu (also posted in "Introduction to Apple Operation") and Atsuhiko Soda of the Toray Research Center posted an article called "Apple Catalog Update".

APPLE and PET, Published by Kougakusha. Issued in October 1980.
APPLE and PET No.2 Published by Kogakusha, Issued in September 1982.


DOS is commented on people who can understand BASIC based on DOS 3.3. It has been devised to be able to handle from beginners to advanced use. In addition to DOS introduction, games and hardware are introduced at the end of the book. Reflecting the published period, on the front cover of Apple IIe announced in January 1983, advertisement of "NISSO" on the back cover is the photo Lisa and AppleIIe against the balloon. There is also an introduction of the shops at that time (with a picture) and I feel nostalgic is introduced a walking course of going around shops, "Hongo 3-chome (ESD) → Shin Ochanomizu (Pineapple) → walking (ADO) → Akihabara (Radio Hall (RAM, SIHNKO etc.) → Shinbashi (Media Sales Japan), Published by Radio Newspaper Company, Monthly microcomputer separate volume, written by Junichi Tonai, Published December 20, 1983.

TIME FEB. 15. 1982

Jobs' illustration is on the front page in conjunction with an article telling the trend of venture business such as "Striking It Rich", a new breath of US industry, namely computer, communication and biotechnology. In addition, the history of Apple's success has been posted on 2 pages, the fact that Lisa is being developed, the introduction of the Apple IIplus production line, the $ 3.9 million R & D investment in 1979, and according to the expansion of the company , it is necessary to improve the company management system, etc. are introduced. Apple seems to have liked this illustration of Oriental style Jobs, and in the November 29, 1982 issue of a two-page spread advertisement, a reprint pamphlet made to imitate the cover of this February 15 issue.
The picture below is its advertisement. With catch phrase "What someone please tell me exactly what a personal computer can do?", it introduces 100 items that we can do using Apple Computer.


Newsweek November 17, 1984, special issue. This issue which featured the Reagan campaign’s 1984 with a smile from President Reagan, Apple purchases all advertisement pages and applies them to Macintosh advertisements. A Macintosh is placed on the left side of the spread advertisement, and on the right side is a configuration such as introduction of software. It was found ten years ago in the library room of my company and I copied it, but when I searched for it after that, it was discarded. I thought that I should have gotten the magazine for memorial, but I was sorry it was too late.
