Tapes & Softwares-1
THE APPLE TAPES ( INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMS FOR THE APPLE II PLUS ) 5 pairs of demo tape included with Apple II Plus. The contents are as follows.
Each of them is written in Applesoft Basic.
The attached manual explains how to use each software and how to adjust
alignment tone at 5 KHz.
Because the recording media is
mainly Floppy Disk from tape in the 1980s, it seems that those tape and
manual were not attached to all of Apple II Plus system which was
Apple Software Bank Money Manager Series.
It is divided into Finance and Leases with two tapes.
It is made in 1978 and is supplied in Applesoft Basic.
Details are unknown because there is no manual, but from the title, it is
inferred as a loan and lease calculation program. |
Apple Software Bank Entertainment Series.
Based on Personal Software Inc.'s chess program, the graphics routine was
rewritten by Apple for Apple II and released in
Disk version was also released, but in this case it is necessary to use
32K memory on Apple II. |